Thursday, March 8

What I hope people have told me about babies.

Hi it's me. I'm back yo. 

It has been six months since I've given birth to baby G. She's the love of my life, move over Godzilla. =p 

Here are the things I hope people will tell me.

1. The hormones. 
They hit you hard. Very hard. I was so low and down. I cried myself to sleep when Baby G has to stay at the hospital for jaundice for one night. I cried when Godzilla has to go back to work after his paternal leave. I was crying and crying and throwing a lot of tantrums. Giving myself a lot of pressure. I couldn't work, I am taking a break from work to be with her. I am not at all prepared emotionally to leave her with somebody else and work. I couldn't, I went for a course when she was two months old, I couldn't stop myself from tearing in the transport there and back.
I hope somebody would have told me how much the hormones will affect me.

2. Our belly doesn't go down.
I was expecting the belly to deflate. Didn't expect it to go down immediately, but at least deflate, flatten. Nope, when I looked at myself in the mirror the next day after birth, I still look like a pregnant woman. I've lost quite a lot of the pregnancy weight. I don't care about my appearance as much as before, most importantly I must be healthy for my baby.  

3. No sleep.
NOTHING PREPARED ME FOR THIS. I was thinking ya, no sleep. But the no sleep part is real. I was so sleep deprived. Also it gets better. Although I wouldn't say I'm not sleep deprived, but at least my body has gotten used to it.

4. Breastfeeding
It hurts, it's long, it's difficult. Feeding lasts 20 minutes on each side, you take about an hour maybe. Before you can rest, the baby is up again to drink. Add the engorgement and cracked sore nipples into the mix. It was stressful to think I can't give my baby milk, then whenever she latch, I will bite my lips through the pain. However, I'm here to inform you, it does get better. I'm proud to be able to feed BabyG on demand for six months and counting.

5. Eating
Since I'm still breastfeeding, I can't eat a lot of food. I know many others drink tea and coffee but I don't. I have to resist the temptation. Exaggerating? I rather not eat and drink those stuff than put my baby in danger.
Confinement food is the best. I love and enjoyed my meals every single day. I love love the food so much. Home-cooked food everyday by my mom. That's the best foods. Healthy, nutritious and so much loveeee.

Best of all: My relationship with my mom.
Mummy is the greatest. She took no-pay leave to help me during my confinement. She cooked, cleaned and try to calm me down during my tantrums. She allowed me to shower every few days with herbs that she has to boil. Made sure I eat fresh and steaming hot food six times a day. Cleaned and bathe BabyG everyday. She showered me with a lot of love and care. 
This, I can't buy, nothing is greater. I owe her everything. 

ok baby is up now, time to go!

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