Thursday, September 26


Hi All,

So, I have been jobless for a month odd.
I have been working in a Recruitment firm for the past five months. Learnt a lot, seen a lot, experienced a lot office politics. Got into a bloody political fight as well.

There isn't any need to create any form of trouble, it seems that there is no peaceful day where everybody is able to work together as a team. It's double-crossing, boot-licking and all those type of things people would do to just be the bosses's pet.

This is what I needed when I left my job at the hospital. I was too sheltered and overprotected by everybody. I needed to get out and see how the world really is. Then I put myself through that and voila, that's what I got.

I have not start off with some real issues that might spark a big hoo ha in Singapore. The office is a horrible place. Yes all the glamorous dresses, the nice scenic view isn't able to mask the ugliness inside their hearts. It seems evil and superficial.

What have I been doing for the past month you ask ?
Basically, being unemployed means I don't have income. I just stay at home all day playing my favourite game, DOTA2. I slept at 3 - 4 am everyday, waking up at noon or 2pm the latest. But things are gonna change.

After doing a few minutes of research, I have decided to try and wake up early. So in fact I choose the jet lag method. I starve myself for around 15 hours, then I ate breakfast at 9am. To trick my body into thinking it's morning. I am going to eat every three hours to continue to make sure my metabolism is there. I think after sitting down for more than 8 hours a day, my ass is getting flatter.

Time to work out as well. Have not been doing it at all. =p

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